
  • Ν. ΡΑΖΗΣ


In the research we eωaluated the magnetoencephalography in which we measured the magnetic field emitted from the epileptic patients brain. Our purpose was to examine two different kind of epilepsies which we have seen in clinical practice. For this purpose we have used the biomagnetometer SQUID which is the most sensitive instrument in detecting varying magnetic fields. We examined in total 24 cases of both sexes. From these 24 cases 10 had posttraumatic epilepsy, 10 general epilepsy, whereas the rest 4 consist the control group. The mapping of the amplitudes in the lοw frequency band (2-7 Hz) represented: in the first group of posttraumatic epilepsy high amplitudes, in agreement with the clinical picture, in the second group (control group) the mapping were free of dense zones which are the characteristic of epileptic foci. We believe that the use of the biomagnetometer SQUID is indeed an interesting diagnostic technique for the precise determination and localization of epileptic foci. lt also gives us information regarding the power emitted from the foci as well as the frequencies of the emmited waves from it. Furthermore allows as to differentiate between the different kind of epilepsies ίn agreement wίth the clinical picture.


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