In this clinical study we examined the changes of the whole blood viscosity, plasma viscosity and fibrinogen which are sensitive parametres of the changes of the blood reology properties, in the acute myocardial infarction. We study the effect of the trombolytic therapy and we also attempted to evaluate the effect of the administration of captopril to patients after 24 hours and the changes of the whole-blood viscosity, plasma viscosity and fibrinogen. It is concluded that the haemoreological changes which depend on the trombolytic therapy are very important for the treatment of the Myocardial infarction and that the fibrinolytic stage which is caused by the administration οf r-TPA lasts more than 24 hours. Irrespective οf the treatment, a week after the Myocardial infarction we observed the increase of the whole-blood viscosity, plasma viscosity and fibrinogen. The administration of captopril seems to induce dicrease of the levels οf plasma viscosity and fibrinogen. One month after the onset of the infarction the levels of whole-blood viscosity are sιill high, despite the dicrease of the fibrinogen and plasma viscosity.References
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