In 464 pregnant women we examined the Cu (copper) quantities in the blood and serum and also in the blood and cord of newborn. For comparison we studied the corresponding samples from 100 non-pregnant women who did not take contraceptives. The results from the above investigation are the following: I. The values of cu (copper) in the blood and in paricular in the serum of pregnant women are much more higher than those of non-pregnant women and from the mean value observed in litarature. II. The Cu (copper) values in the blood and serum are equal in the women who became for the first time and those with multiple pregnancies with physiological and pathological pregnancies. III. The concentrations of Cu (copper) in the blood of the cord is independent from the values of Apgar of newborn or from physiological or pathological evaluaation of pregnancy. IV. In contrast with the quantity Cu (copper) in the blood of mothers, the concentration of copper in the blood of coord of the newborn is much lower. The degree with which the copper is diminished in the male newborn is much higher than in female ones. V. In the pregnant women of subgroup 7-16 was found that the concentrations of copper in the blood are higher and in the serum very high. In the blood of the cord of the newborn in these subgroup the quantities of Cu are uniformally lower.References
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