


Ιn 41 patients with coronary heart disease, 20 with agninapectories (ΑΡ) and 21 with acute myocardial infarction (ΑΜΙ) the TCH, TG, HDL-C, HDL-TG, LDL-C, (VLDL+LDL)-TG and the ratios TCH/HDL-C, TG/HDL-TG, HDL-C/HDL-TG were determined. According to smoking habits the patients were divided into four groups: 1st (n= 12) non-smokers with ΑΡ, 2nd (n=8) smokers with ΑΡ, 3rd (n=11) non-smokers with ΑΜΙ and 4th (n=10) smokers with ΑΜΙ. The results were compared to corresponding groups of controls, smokers and non-smokers. lt was observed that the increase in TG and (VLDL+LDL)-TG was in proportion to the severity of the disease, independently of the smoking habits. Ιn addition, according to the severity of the disease, the HDL-TG and LDL-C were increased and the ratio HDL-C/HDL-TG was decreased in non-smokers whereas the ratio ΤG HDL-TIJ was increased and the HDL-C was decreased in smokers. Ιt is concluded that in patients with "normal cholesterol and triglycerides" a farther analysis of lipoprotein fractions triglycerides may reveal a dyslipoproteinaemia which would be implicated in the pathogenesis of CAD.


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