The purpose of this work is to show how much serious the cholangiography is during the operation, to control the bill tree. This test can appear small stones into the common bill duct or abnormalities of the bill tree, that can be very important for the operation. From 1986 to 1989, 302 operations have been done, in our Clinic, on the bill tree. The diagnosis, before the operation is: a) Simple chololithiasis 229 cases. b) Acute cholocystitis 37 cases. c) Jaundine cause of stones or pancreatic cancer 36 cases. During the operation, cholangiography was done in all these cases, except of the pancreatic cancer. Ιn 5 cases of simple chololithiasis with normal diameter of bill duct, stones were into the common bill duct and in 3 cases, acute infection was founded in the Oddi. Ιn 3 cases of jaundine cause of stones, the test did not show stones into the common bill duct. The results show that the cholangiography during the operation is a very serious test for the surgeons for to avοίd the difficulties and the complications.References
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