
  • Γ. ΧΑΝΟΣ


This experimental study was done in rats. Α model of experimental Faccal Peritonitis was created close to the real conditions. Peritonitis was caused by a penetration of a caecum stamp which was ligated out of large bowel function. The study was done in 60 rats which were divided in three groups from 20 rats each. In the first (control) group nothing was done and mortality arised up to 100%. Ιn the secont (control) group a surgical procedure for peritoneal cleaning was done but we did not administered any antibiotic. Mortality was found up to 80%. In the thirs (control) group was done plus the administration of an antibiotic combination (cefamandole-Netilmicine). Mortality was found at 65% of the experiments. Ιn 43% of rats which survived peritoneal abcesses were found in the autopsy. From the result of the study we may conclude that surgical cleanning of the peritoneal cavity completed with suitable antibiotic combination. Ιn our study seems that netilmicine combined caused best results.


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