


One hundred and sixty two patients who operated on last twenty years for duodenal ulcer disease were retrospectively studied. The reason for which the patients operated on has been studied separately in 108 young people (Group I) and 54 olders (Group II). The most common reason for operation in Group Ι was the perforation of the ulcer (51/108 cases) and in Group II the chronicity of the ulcer disease (41/54 cases). On the other hand the number of patients who operated on bor a complication of the ulcer disease was equal in the first and in the second decade (44/49 patients). Further on, while the gastrectomy was the operation of choice for definitive treatment of the duodenal ulcer disease in the first decade, (24/33 cases) in the second one it has been replaced by different types of vagotomy (62/67 cases).


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