


Surveys concerning the use of drug substances provide data and conclusions contributing positively towards facing the problem. The answers of 208 intravenous drug users (In.Dr.Us.) to the questions of a special epidemiological questionnaire have helped to specify the age of use starting, frequency and the used drug substances. The obtained data the elaboration of which was effected by Χ^2 test, have shown that: 1. The 31.3% of In.Dr.Us. used drugs intravenously for the first time at an age ranging 15-19. 2. The most frequently used drug substances are in the following order: heroin alone, tranquilirers, heroin-cocaine, cocaine alone and hashish. 3. The main injectable drugs are used in the following order: heroin alone and heroine-cocaine. 4. 57.2% of the In.Dr.Us. use drugs intravenously on a daily basis and 32.2%, 3-4 times daily. It is therefore concluded that a courageous amendment of institutions and procedures is urgently needed, so that in the shortest possible period of time and in the most efficient way, the problem οf drug spreading in our country will be faced up.


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