428 female students, 18-22 years of age from different Nursing Schools of Athens Greece were retested with the Tuberculin test (RT 32UI). All had history of successful BCG vaccination 6-10 years prior to the test, in most cases at the age of 12. The positivity of the Tuberculin test in different age groups was as following: 1) Age 18: 12%, 2) age 19: 10%, 3) age 20: 7%, 4) age 21: 21,3% and 5) age 22: zero. We conclude that : 1) The immunity from the BCG vaccine beyond 5 years is low, and gradually falls to wardas zero after 10 years, 2) Contrary to many studies, the BCG vaccine seems to provide short term protection. Therefore, its role in the fight against Tuberculosis appears to be limited, 3) The potency and the efficacy of the currently used BCG vaccine in Greece should be reappraised.References
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