This is a comparative study of the risk factors in coronary heart disease (CHD) between children whose parents have a positive family history of CHD and children without a positive family history of CHD. 350 thirteen-year-old scholars answered with the help of their parents to a special questionnaire. 133 of the students, after a written consent, had a blood analysis of the following parameters. Blood glucose, total colesterol LDL, HDL, triglycerides, fibrinogen and plasma viscosity. The determination of the plasma viscosity was measured at 25° C with a capillary viscosimeter LUCKHAM. From the total of the 133 children whose blood was tested, the 23 (6.04%) had a positive family heredity of CHD. The P-Viscosity levels although higher in the positive group did not differ significantly (Ρ 0,912). Furthermore, we could not establish any differences in the fibrinogen and arterial pressure measurements.References
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