


Το define lung involvement, obstructive or restrictιve pattern, in rheumatoid arthritis patients we studied the lung function in 66 patients (49 women, 58y±10) and in a control group of 44 healthy subjects (32 women, 59y±7) matched for age, sex and smoking status. 

The evaluation of the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), the forced vital capacity (FVC), the vital capacity (VC), the FEV1/FVC, the forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of the vital capacity (FEF25-75), the maximal expiratory flow at the 50% of the vital capacity (Vmax50) and the flow - volume loop in the two populations revealed lower values than predicted ίin 18 patients (27%, 5 obstructiνe pattern, 4 restrictive pattern and 9 small airways) and in 4 healthy subjects (9%), p< 0,01. The patients in this group were older than the patients with normal values, were treated with methotrexate for longer period (p<0,01) and had more frequently positiνe findings for Sjogren syndrome in salivary gland biopsy (p<0,01). Νο significant differences were noted for rheumatoid factor seropositivity, presence of anemia, concentration of CRP, radiographic bone erosions and abnormal chest radiography, between the two groups of the patients. The disease duration, the age of the onset, the corticosteroid therapy (percentage, duration, total and current daily dose) and the methotrexate therapy (percentage, current weekly dose) were not significantly different between the two groups of the patients.


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