Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a major risk in patients undergoing ovulation induction protocols. Withholding injection of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) may prevent the development of OHSS, but can also result in cancellation of the cycle. We have used a gonadotrophin - releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) as an alternative to HCG in women undergoing ovulation induction in intrauterine insemination treatment cycles in an attempt to prevent OHSS. The study included 10 cycles in 10 women scheduled for ovulation induction with clomiphene/human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) who where at risk of developing OHSS ( oestradiol > 1500 pg/ml, number of follicles ≥10). GnRH a was injected to induce the preovulatory, luteinizing hormone surge which triggers follicular maturation. Progesterone was administered for luteal support. One pregnancy was achieved, and none of the women developed OHSS. Since this method of ovulation didn't increase the risk of OHSS we can recommend the use of GnRHa a instead of HCF in any case at risk of developing OHSS.References
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