We registered the responsible Gram negative bacillus of urinary tract infections in 125 hospitalised patients of the General hospital of Alexandroupolis during the period 1-1/30-4-91. 69 of them were women and 56 men. 44.8% of urinary tract infections was considered as nosocomial and 55.2% as Community infections. Ε. coli strains were more often isolated from women (70%) than men (56%). Proteus strains were isolated with the same percentage (16%) in both sexes. Ps. aeruginosa strains were isolated more often from men (11%) than women (6%). Ε. coli species were responsible for 59% of nosocomial infections, Pr. miarbilis for 10%, Pseudomonas and Klebsiella for 9% each, Acinetobacter spp. for 7%, Citrobacter and Enterobacter spp. for 3% each. The isolation rate οf E. coli and Proteus spp. from community infections was 68% and 20% respectively. Half of the nosocomial infections came from tbe Internal Medicin Departments and 12.5% from Pediatric. 48% of Ε. coli strains was resistant to Ampicillin, 33% to Piperacillin, 29% to Cotrimoxazole and 22% to Cephalothin. 16% was resistant to the combination of Clavulanic acid and Amoxicillin. 37% οf Proteus spp. was resistant to Ampicillin but sensitive to the others. Αll strains were sensible to imipenem. We have found multiresistant strains of Ε. coli, Ps. aeruginosa, Acinetobacter and Klebsiella from nosocomial infections and also multiresistant strains οf Ε. coli and Ps. aeruginosa frοm community infections.References
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