We retrospectively studied the files of 974 asthmatic adults, 18-80 years old and we found 6 patients with certain ΑΒΡΑ. We focused οn the levels of lgE at the initial diagnosis, exacerbations and during treatment. The levels of lgE during the initial diagnosis ranged from 428-5550 units/ml (mean 2165), while the mean value in asthmatics was 450. Ιn 4 out of 6 patients with ΑΒΡΑ exacerbationsm the value of lgE levels doubled or quadrioupled abruptly. We conclude that: 1) lgE levels > 1000 units is very common in ΑΒΡΑ, 2) The serum lgE decreasses gradually during treatment and is a useful criterion for its efficacy, 3) Finally, the appropriate clinical symptoms along with an abrupt and significant rise of lgE in an asthmatic patient is strongly indicative for exacerbation of ABRA.References
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