Gender segregation, school bullying and victimization in the Physical Education class in 5th and 6th grade



Gender segregation, bullying, victimization, Physical Education, students, curriculum, sports


Physical Education (PE) is critical to a student's understanding and enjoyment of sports. The segregation and categorization of sports based on masculinity characteristics may contribute to bullying phenomena, but research in this area is limited. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between gender segregation in sports and bullying/victimization in PE. In total, 120 students from the 5th and 6th grades of Primary School participated in the study, completing a structured, anonymous multi-scale questionnaire. Data analysis revealed bullying/victimization incidents in both school and specifically PE, as well as gender discrimination in the taught sports. Boys scored higher in physical and verbal bullying, and gender differences in sports segregation were also evident. Finally, regression analysis revealed that bullying and victimization in PE were largely predicted by school bullying/victimization and not gender segregation. Findings of this study can help towards improving the PE curriculum, as well as the prevention and intervention of bullying/victimization.


Author Biographies

Konstantia Neochoritou, Hellenic Open University




Nafsika Antoniadou, Hellenic Open University





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How to Cite

Νεοχωρίτου Κ., & Αντωνιάδου Ν. (2023). Gender segregation, school bullying and victimization in the Physical Education class in 5th and 6th grade. Exercise and Society, 1, 64–77. Retrieved from



Education, Didactic and Sports Phsychology