The effect of an expert model observation in the performance and learning of the long jump in children of age 9-11 years


  • Μαρία Μαυραγανη
  • Ελένη Ζέτου
  • Μαρία Μιχαλοπούλου
  • Νίκος Αγγελούσης


The purpose of the present study was to examine if the observation of a role model combined with verbal cues (key words) will improve the performance and learning of long jump, (as well as the track record), in children aged 9-11 years old. The participants were 32 children aged 9-11 years old, (M=10,14, SD=5,20) 16 boys and 16 girls, which had not taught been the long jump before. The participants were randomly separated in two groups, the Experimental (N=16, 7=girls, 9=boys) and the control group (N=16, 8=girls, 8=boys). The trainees of the Experimental group were taught skill through visual feedback, more specifically by watching a role model (expert athlete) on a laptop monitor combined with verbal cues (key words) by their coach, while the Control group trainees followed the typical teaching method / feedback (knowledge of performance) by their coach. The duration of the intervention program lasted 5 weeks (4 weeks practice program and 1 week without practice so as to evaluate the retention). The trainees participated in the program three times a week. The evaluation of the trainees’ performance in technique was through video recording and analysis of the movement in 4 parts, after checking the reliability of the observers. For the track record evaluation, a tape measure was used. The analysis of variance with repeated measurements showed that the trainees of the both groups learned the long jump skill, but the trainees of the Experimental group were better in performance and learning than the Control group trainees. As far as the performance is concerned, the trainees of both groups were improved. However, the children in the Experimental group surpassed the other group. Concluding, the use of an expert model observation combined with verbal cues, was a useful feedback method which significantly improved the learning and performance of young children in the long jump.

Key words: model observation; verbal instructions; long jump. 


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How to Cite

Μαυραγανη Μ., Ζέτου Ε., Μιχαλοπούλου Μ., & Αγγελούσης Ν. (2023). The effect of an expert model observation in the performance and learning of the long jump in children of age 9-11 years. Exercise and Society, 1. Retrieved from



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