Dance Improvisation in Traditional and Contemporary Greek Society
first-dancer improvisation, musical improvisation, first & second existence of traditional dance, dance identityAbstract
The purpose of the research was to investigate the way in which men and women express themselves in dance, when they find themselves in the position of first dancer in traditional and modern Greek society. The survey involved: a. 100 dance teachers. b. 50 first dancers. c. 20 musicians. d. 40 elderly men and women. In addition, an analysis of 150 dance performances was carried out. From the indexing of the interviews as well as from the analysis of the dance performances it seems that: a. Dancers in traditional society do not proceed to the production of new kinetic motifs and the differences in their dance are found in the variable elements of the form such as the number of motifs used as well as the number of their repetitions. b. The changes observed in Greek society, especially from 1981 onwards, also affect the dance expression of women. Her dance is liberated from rules and restrictions and in it is reflected the equal presence of women in modern Greek society. c. Improvisation is absent from the performances of dance clubs. According to the dance teachers, everything that is presented on stage is designed and tested countless times during the lessons and does not allow the first dancers to deviate from them.
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