The effect of a proprioception and balance training program on forearm passing skill in youth female volleyball players



This study aims to investigate the effect of a balance and proprioception training program on the forearm passing skill and dynamic balance of volleyball players aged 13-15 years. The participants were 18 female athletes divided into an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG). In addition to volleyball training, the EG followed an 8-week proprioception and balance training program (3 times/week). CG members only followed the volleyball program. Dynamic balance test results were obtained, and participants were graded for their performance (BES) and the quality of their motor task (BPE) in the forearm pass. Two-factor analysis of variance with repeated measurements on the second factor was used to examine the effects of groups and measurements and their interactions. The analysis of the results showed that the dynamic balance of the EG showed a significant improvement concerning the CG (p <0.05). There was an increase in BES and BPE in the forearm pass in all subjects (p <0.05). However, ΕG members showed a greater increase in BPE than CG members (p <0.05). In conclusion, the study reveals that a targeted proprioception and balance training program can improve the balance of youth female volleyball players, while at the same time it can significantly contribute to the improvement of forearm pass.


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How to Cite

Αχιλλεόπουλος Ι., Σωτηρόπουλος Κ., Ζαχαράκης Ε., Δρίκος Σ., Μπεκρής Ε., & Μπαρζούκα Κ. (2023). The effect of a proprioception and balance training program on forearm passing skill in youth female volleyball players. Exercise and Society, 1. Retrieved from



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